Tuesday, September 6, 2011

'Fat' or Fiction...Info from OMNI Medical Center on the FDA's Attempt to Revise Nutrition Labels

It's the latest attempt to fight the national obesity epidemic in America....

The FDA wants to revise the nutrition facts label (that breakdown of fats, sodium, sugars and carbs) on packaging – to give consumers more useful information.

A proposal is now in the works to change several parts of the label, including more accurate serving sizes, a greater emphasis on calories and a diminished role in the daily percent values for substances like fat, sodium and carbohydrates.

As you may have already noticed, calorie counts are popping up on menus of chain restaurants across the country and the longstanding food pyramid was toppled this year by the U.S. government in favor of a plate that gives a picture of what a healthy daily diet looks like.

The struggle to redesign the labels on every box, can and carton has been in the works since 2003, and some of the changes could be proposed as soon as this year. 

The FDA is also likely to find a way to emphasize calories, which many people rely on for weight control. Other items likely to disappear or change because they haven't proven useful include calories from fat and the daily percent value numbers that show how much what an average diet should include.

Still, some wish the revisions would go further to list information about the amount of preservatives in a food and the degree of processing it has undergone. 

Health activists say such changes could help trim waistlines in America.

For more helpful nutrition information or for details on weight management in the Atlanta area, visit www.omnimedicalctr.com.

 Web content for OMNI Medical Center created by Escaype Enterprises, LLC.

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