Friday, September 30, 2011

"Eat 'em and Weep!" OMNI Medical Center 's List of Foods That Make You Even Hungrier

Ever wonder why...after eating certain foods you feel even hungrier?
That's because some ingredients in the foods we eat can trick our bodies into not recognizing when we’re full, causing “rebound hunger.”
OMNI Medical Center recommends a high-protein high-fiber diet for everyone on our medical weight loss program, to protect your lean mass, keep you fuller longer, and to give you the best weight loss results possible.
So which foods trigger "rebound hunger?" Here's OMNI Medical Center 's List of the 7 most common culprits:

1. Beverages.
Sodas, iced teas, and other sweetened beverages are our biggest source of high-fructose corn syrup—accounting for about two-thirds of our annual intake. New research shows that fructose can trick our brains into craving more food, even when we’re full.
2. Canned Foods.
Many canned foods are high in the chemical bisphenol-A, or BPA, which the Food and Drug Administration recently stated was a chemical “of some concern.” Researchers have found that exposure to BPA can lead to food cravings and obesity.
3. Having Too Little for Breakfast (or skipping it!).
After following about 7,000 healthy people for almost 4 years, researchers found that those who ate just 300 calories for breakfast gained almost twice as much weight as those who ate 500 calories or more for breakfast. The reason: Eating a big breakfast makes for smaller rises in blood sugar and insulin throughout the day, meaning fewer sudden food cravings.

4. Skipping the Salad.
Most of us don’t eat enough leafy greens (we at OMNI Medical Center are sometimes guilty of this too), which are rich in the essential B-vitamin folate. Folate helps protect against depression, fatigue, and weight gain. In one study, dieters with the highest levels of folate in their bodies lost almost 9 times as much weight as those with the lowest levels. Leafy greens are also high in vitamin K, another insulin-regulating nutrient that helps curb cravings. .
5. Skipping the 'tea party.'
According to a recent nutrition study, people who drank one cup of black tea after eating high-carb foods decreased their blood-sugar levels by 10 percent for 2 and a half hours after the meal, which means they stayed full longer and had fewer food cravings. Researchers credit the polyphenolic compounds in black tea for suppressing rebound hunger. What's this mean? It means make time for "tea time" after eating carbs with any meal!
6. Foregoing the Fluids.
Dehydration often mimics the feeling of hunger. If you’ve just eaten and still feel hungry, drink a large glass of water before eating more, and see if your desires don’t diminish. Bottoms up!
7. Plain Ol' Boredom.
Researchers at a University in Australia found that visual distractions can help curb cravings. To test yourself, imagine a huge, sizzling steak. If you’re truly hungry, the steak will seem appealing. But if that doesn’t seem tempting, chances are you’re in need of a distraction, and NOT another meal. Pretty interesting, right?
For more nutritional info or to find out about the OMNI Medical Center medical weight loss program visit our web site: .
Here's to learning more about weighing less!
--The OMNI Medical Center Team
Web content written for OMNI Medical Center by Escaype Enterprises, LLC.

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