Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Eat Like a Pro! OMNI Medical Center 's Top 5 Protein - Packed Foods

We all know that the key to successful weight loss lies in how we eat. 

This means we need to consume enough (but not TOO much) protein in order to protect our body's lean mass, and to achieve optimal fat-burning.

So here's a list of OMNI Medical Center 's top 5 protein-rich foods to keep you fuller longer, and help you get leaner than ever!

1) 3 ounces of chicken, tuna, or turkey. 
Try to use fresh meat instead of something canned (canned stuff is loaded with tons of sodium, which can make you retain water...canned foods also have heavy metals). Noshing on one of these meaty foods can give you anywhere from 14-22 grams of protein.

2) 2 eggs. Whether they're scrambled or hard-boiled, eggs are one of the easiest ways to get protein in at your meal. Scrambled eggs are great on a high-fiber, low-carb wrap...and hard-boiled eggs are yummy by themselves, or even on top of a nice salad. Each egg can provide up to 7 grams of protein at your be sure not to overdue it if you're cooking up a veggie omelette! 

3) An 8 oz. glass of plain almond milk. While cow's milk can have a high fat & sugar content (as well as hormones and steroids!), having a glass of almond milk may do the trick for those of you who enjoy a tall, ice-cold glass of the white stuff. Plain almond milk (OMNI Medical Center likes Almond Breeze Almond Milk) is only 60 calories for an 8 oz. glass, and is wonderful for using with whey protein or even on some low-carb (high-protein) cereal!

4) Whey protein (like OMNI Medical Center 's Whey 26 supplement). When there's no time to cook...or we're on the go, a protein shake can usually to the trick. Our Whey 26 supplement is a great source of whey protein isolate (which gets into your system faster than a whey protein concentrate). Half a scoop will give you 13 grams of much-needed protein...and what's even better is that our Whey 26 only has 1 carb, and it's sweetened with Stevia! If you're not using OMNI 's Whey 26, be sure to look for a protein powder that's low in sugar, has no fillers, and is low in calories as well.

5) Greek Yogurt (a small serving, of course). Greek-style yogurt is one of the best protein-packed snacks in between meals. It's also easy to carry with you to work or for a post-workout boost at the gym. Our advice about yogurt is that you skip the kinds with "fruit in the bottom" and added fiber or probiotics (you know which brands we're talking about). Sometimes we can be fooled into thinking ALL yogurt is healthy when in reality, a lot of yogurt products are made with high fructose corn syrup, excess sugar and other unnecessary additives. Look for something like "Chobani Champions" (it's a 100-calorie Greek yogurt in a child's size portion) to satisfy your hunger...and try freezing it if you're craving desserts like ice cream!

For more helpful nutritional tips or to find out about the OMNI Medical Center Medical Weight Loss Program visit our web site

Here's to eating like a pro!
--The OMNI Medical Center Team

Web content created for OMNI Medical Center by Escaype Enterprises, LLC. 

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

OMNI Medical Center Explains Why Being Glued to Gluten-Filled Foods Can Be Bad

Hello, medical weight loss friends! What's for lunch today?
Organic lunch meat and hydroponic lettuce on double-fiber wheat bread...or even whole-grain pasta with veggies and pesto? Both choices are healthy, right? We at OMNI Medical Center say, "Not necessarily."

That's because more and more researchers are finding that sluggishness and weight gain (or delayed weight loss results!) can be blamed on a discreet substance hiding in wheat and many other common grains: gluten.

So what is gluten, anyway, and how does it affect the body?

Gluten is a protein found in wheat, barley and rye, as well as in many common food additives. It's what gives dough its elasticity and adds that satisfying chewiness to baked goods. But for people with celiac disease—a type of autoimmune disorder—eating foods that contain gluten can lead to a laundry list of reactions, including damage to the small intestine, poor nutrient absorption, diarrhea, abdominal pain, bloating, anemia, and fatigue.

Celiac disease is surprisingly common (it affects about one in every 133 people), according to a study by researchers at the University of Maryland. There is no cure for celiac disease and no drugs that can treat it, however. You can only manage the condition by sticking to a gluten-free diet for the rest of your life.

But even if you don't have celiac disease, gluten may still be bad for you, according to a dietitian at the University of Chicago's Celiac Disease Center. Additionally, a rising percentage of people in the U.S. now consider themselves "gluten-sensitive."

If you think you may have symptoms of a gluten intolerance, ask one of us at OMNI Medical Center about scheduling a blood test to find out for sure.

The good news about cutting gluten out of your diet is that it can lead to weight loss. That's because a strict gluten-free diet forces you to stay away from some refined carbohydrates that can lead to weight gain.

Here are some common culprits where gluten is hidden:

Avoiding gluten (as much as we may hate to give up certain foods) also means you're likely to adopt other whole grains and flours that lack gluten, such as buckwheat, quinoa, and wild rice (which is not related to white rice). These aren't necessarily healthier options than gluten-rich wheat, barley or rye, but consuming a wider range of grains gives you even more nutritional variety in your diet!

Here's to discovering new foods without gluten!
--The OMNI Medical Center Team

For more helpful nutritional tips or for details about the OMNI Medical Center medical weight loss program visit our web site:

Web content created for OMNI Medical Center by Escaype Enterprises, LLC.

Monday, October 17, 2011

Starving for More Superfoods to Try? Here's OMNI Medical Center's Top Five Superfoods

The answer to effective weight loss results, as many of us may already know, isn't eating's eating more of the right foods.

That's why OMNI Medical Center has a list of 5 new superfoods everyone should add (while staying under our recommended caloric intake for our medical weight loss program) to their grocery list of healthy food choices (if they're not on your list already).

Check it out:

1. Nuts--These tiny little snacks are jam-packed with monounsaturated fats (which are the good-for-you fats), that lower your risk of heart disease and diabetes and, according to new research, help you control your appetite.

2.  Eggs-- A recent review of more than 25 published studies on protein concluded that egg protein helps boost muscle strength and development more than other proteins do, because of its high concentrations of the amino acid, Leucine. And get this...egg protein is also better at keeping you from becoming hungry over a sustained period.

3. Whole Grains-- A study from Penn State University found that whole-grain eaters lost almost two and a half times more belly fat than those who ate refined grains (like regular pasta and white bread). Whole grains more favorably affect your blood-glucose levels, which means they don’t cause wild swings in your blood sugar and ratchet up cravings after you eat them. 

4. Avocados-- Although many people think these lil' green guys are bad for you, avocados aren't fattening because they’re loaded with healthy fat and fiber. Additionally, they won't cause wild swings in your insulin levels (insulin causes the body to store fat!). So enjoy the fat in avocados. Research shows that diets containing upward of 50% fat are just as effective for weight loss as those that are low in fat.

5. Raspberries & Other Berries-- While you're dieting, it's much easier to escape the cycle of overindulgence by eating foods that are rich in antioxidants, like berries! The berries that give you the most antioxidants per bite, in order are: cranberries, black currents, blueberries, blackberries, raspberries, strawberries, pomegranates.  

For more nutritional ideas or to find out about the OMNI Medical Center medical weight loss program, visit our web site:

Here's to superfoods...and super weight loss results!
--The OMNI Medical Center Team

Web content created for OMNI Medical Center by Escaype Enterprises, LLC.